When Mother’s Day is Complicated by Addiction

Mother's Day is a time to celebrate the incredible women who raise us, nurture us, and love us unconditionally. But for mothers whose children struggle with addiction, a day meant for celebration can be shrouded in worry and heartache. Witnessing your child grapple with this disease is painful.

You are NOT Alone

Addiction tends to isolate. As a parent, you might feel ashamed or, even if it’s not true, responsible for your child’s addiction. In a society that is bold with its opinions, it can feel unsafe to share what you and your kid are going through, even amongst friends. 

If you're a mother facing addiction in your child, know this: you are not alone. The truth is that addiction doesn't discriminate. It can touch any family, regardless of background or belief. Many mothers in our community share your struggle and heartache. 

If you need a safe space to talk about addiction, we are here. Email freedom@harborrockrecovery.org to talk with Pastor Dan. We know this path is scary and we're committed to coming alongside you to help you walk through it.

Addiction is NOT Identity

Acknowledge your pain, but don't let it define you. This Mother’s Day, take time to look through photos and remember special moments with your kid. Trips, games, birthday parties, graduations… events that mark victories.  This can be an important piece of remembering who you are and who your kid is apart from their current struggle.

Take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience. You are a warrior for your child, and your love and prayers make a difference.

Focus on What You Can Control

While you can't control your child's choices, you can control how you respond. Here are some healthy ways to navigate this difficult situation:

Educate Yourself: Learn about addiction – its causes, signs, and treatment options. Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions. HRR can help you find the right place to learn about your specific concerns.

Seek Support: Connect with other mothers facing similar challenges. Support groups can provide a safe space to share experiences and find strength. We can help you find support

Set Healthy Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with your child that prioritize your well-being and safety. Your situation calls for a unique approach that will require you to be as healthy and hopeful as possible. A Recovery Coach helps you as much as it does the recovery candidate.

Practice Self-Care: Don't neglect your own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Prioritize activities that bring you comfort and joy. Begin with the Serenity Prayer.

Hope for Healing

Addiction is treatable. There is hope for recovery. This Mother's Day, choose hope over despair. Celebrate the strength of God’s love, your love and your unwavering commitment to your child's well-being. And remember, you are not alone.

Here are some resources that can help:

Harbor Rock Recovery Can Help

Sometimes you just need a safe place to talk—we are here for you—and Harbor Rock does so much more. 

Assessment- There is not one path to recovery that will work for every person. We will meet with you to discover your unique situation and needs in order to identify the next right step for you or your loved one.

Referrals- Finding the right professional help can guide your child towards a path of healing. If we aren't it, we will help you connect with one of the dozens of resources that we have vetted and trust. Our commitment is to what is best for you.

Biblical coaching and counseling- Need ongoing recovery coaching? Want to build a recovery program that works within the existing discipleship modality of your church? With more than 22 years in ministry and 45 years of sobriety, Pastor Dan Bradford is uniquely qualified to come alongside you. 

Intervention Services- Intervention can be helpful but it's not the right move for everyone. Contact us to learn how we can help you set up an effective intervention.  

Christian Sober Living Environments- Sometimes people need to learn how to live sober before entering back into their normal routines. We have 2 affordable Sober Living Homes in the South Bay that help men and women develop healthy community and rhythms for lasting sobriety.

Support Harbor Rock Recovery

The need is great. You can help. 

Support Pastor Dan and Harbor Rock Recovery as we continue to be a trusted resource to families and individuals struggling with addiction here in the South Bay and beyond. 

Financial Support: Set up a monthly or one-time donation using the button above or by following this secure LINK.

Prayer Support: Let us know you are praying! Email Dan@harborrockrecovery.org to encourage and let him know you are praying.


A Story of Hope and Celebration


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