Messy & Beautiful
You may have noticed that my monthly emails have shifted toward education. Growing awareness and understanding of addiction and the many topics surrounding it are an important part of building a healthy community—and that is a key goal of Harbor Rock Recovery. Yet, I don't want to neglect giving you an update on how things are going. So a mid-month check in it is!
HRR Faith Based Sober Living
Currently HRR Faith Based Sober Living has 7 individuals living and practicing a sober way of life, engaging faith community and rhythms. The Men's house is at full capacity. We have room for 1 woman or a mom with a child under 5 years old at the Women's house.
A Celebration
We have room at the Women's house because a mom has found and moved into a nearby apartment. This move gives her the opportunity to reunite with her older children. While she is no longer living in our house, she remains a part of the HRR family.
We Get Calls
This week alone, I received 2 calls from parents about family members heading towards the proverbial cliff, their future life in the balance... The details are messy, the communication complex. Misunderstandings, blaming and denial (on both sides) is common.
The stories of addiction are so brutal, the depth and weight of brokenness spreading so wide... But God! There is hope and there is freedom for those we love, those who are struggling. There's hope for you too! There is a new story to be discovered and told!
This is in caps because this is what we live for! It makes it all worth it to know we are making difference. Join me in praising God for what He is doing...
"Thank you PD, for a safe sober place to stay where I am learning about Jesus. I would have never gone that direction unless I was desperate and you offered help..." CB
"Your understanding has helped me in my faith and recovery, I'm so grateful to God for the tribe of people I'm meeting" D
'I'm so grateful to be of service to HRR, thank you for allowing me to help!" RF
Prayer Requests
Please join us in praying for the following:
Recovery for those suffering with brokenness from substance use, abuse and addiction.
For those affected by the ripple effect of addiction; the families, friends, and neighbors hurt in the process.
For our mom who moved into a new apartment; protection, a growing community, years of health living sober, and especially for God's blessing and for wisdom as her family is reunited.
The woman or mom with kids who will join us at the Women's house. We don't know who she is but God does!
It takes certain "tools" to build a life of recovery!
We can help you discover some specific things to do to develop new healthy, sober, life giving rhythms for your day to day as well as introduce you to people doing the same!
New Recovery groups are popping up at churches all around the South Bay! 12 step groups that are safe and reliable for your faith experience and within your reach! Discover daily practices that will help you grow in your relationship with God and others. To learn more email us at...
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